You are in love with a lie…. Someone comes into your life and causes you all kinds of pain…So why is it so hard to let them go? Because you're holding on to hope that they'll change, that you'll be the reason, you'll be enough, you'll be worth it…But they won't even say sorry. And when they do say "sorry", it's not even sincere.. That's because they're not sorry. You give so much of your self, and they take and take without giving anything back… They are sucking the life out of you and you're being drained.. And you don't even realise it.. You think that you're weak and you need them…. But they're the weak one.. and they need you to remain weak so they can keep taking from you. The reason they act the way they do, and do the things they do, has nothing to do with you.. It's not your fault. It comes from deep within themselves. So stop blaming yourself for their actions. You're in love with a fantasy, a possibility. Cut that person off. You have to for your own sanity. You are enough and you are worth it. It's them who's weak, who isn't worth it and doesn't deserve you…

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